
Thirza Dado (1993) is a PhD candidate at the Neural Coding Lab, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University in Nijmegen, Netherlands where she works on neural coding with synthesized reality under the supervision of Dr. Umut Güçlü. Her ultimate goal is to understand how the brain makes sense of the world surrounding it so that we can extract and "read" information from it as well as "write" information to it to induce desired experiences. As such, this could revolutionize clinical solutions for individuals with disabilities - think neurostimulation to restore lost sensory functions or brain-computer interface (BCI) as a communication means for patients that are locked in or cannot talk - and other applications in fields like robotics, gaming and entertainment.

Her doctorate is funded by a personal toptalent fellowship and she has double master's degrees in artificial intelligence and cognitive neuroscience with cum laude.